Our Sponsors


Metropolitan Regional Arts Council*
VSA Minnesota*
Minnesota State Arts Board*
City of St. Louis Park Arts and Culture Grant
Irwin Andrew Porter Foundation


Business and organizations we love:

Gardening Matters
Aliveness Project
Wise Acre Eatery
Tangletown Gardens
Bedlam Theatre
The Crescendo Project
Works Progress
CodeSpace/Media Shelf
Interact Center for Visual and Performing Arts
Chakra Kahn Massage and Asian Body Work
Camp Bar


Wedge Co-op
Seward Co-op
Lindon Hills Co-op
Local D’Lish
Home Advisor 
Rustica Bread
Spoon River Cafe
Mill City Farmers Market
Bradstreet Crafthouse

*These awards are all connected to the Clean Water, Arts and Cultural Heritage/Legacy Amendment.